Boost Nevada Group Guidelines


The purpose of Boost Nevada is to assist the State of Nevada and in particular the Southern Nevada nonprofit community by pooling contributions of individuals to fund grants to 501(c)(3) public charities and/or individuals in four areas:

  1. Generate ideas to solve community issues
  2. Foster the creation of nonprofits in critically needed areas
  3. Help small nonprofits (generally under 250k annual revenue) scale impact
  4. Facilitate training of nonprofit leaders

The group may also consider proposals that help individuals or small non-profits merge or consolidate their efforts with larger non-profits.

Legal Status

Henderson Community Foundation

The Henderson Community Foundation will serve as fiscal sponsor of the group based on an agreement signed by the Founder. HCF is a 501c3 entity organized under the authority of the State of Nevada and holds and distributes funds consistent with donor purpose. HCF will house all funds, authorize distribution pursuant to instructions from the group through its Advisory Council, and provide general oversight of all activities to ensure they satisfy IRS requirements.


Boost Nevada operates under the authority of HCF and has no separate legal identity. Founder may choose in the future, after consulting with the Advisory Council and where feasible the Members, to create a separate 501c3 entity or move the organization and its funds to a different charitable entity.

“Members” are identified as contributors in an amount to be determined by the Founder and ultimately the Advisory Council. Initially the amount of expected contribution will be $1,000 per year if paid in a lump sum or $90 per month if paid monthly. These amounts may be changed annually by the Advisory Council and are due by October 1 or such other date specified by the Advisory Council. Those Members making required contributions in the first year will be designated Founding Members. Once a contributor has made the required annual contribution, he/she will be designated as a Member and entitled to vote on matters coming to the general membership for vote. No quorum is required for Member meetings and decisions are made by a majority vote of those present.

Advisory Council

Boost Nevada will designate an Advisory Council to provide direction to HCF on fund disbursement and assist on developing matters for vote by Members. Founder will initially appoint an Advisory Council of five members for a one-year term from interested Members. The Advisory Council may annually modify the number of Advisory Council members to not less than three and not more than seven. After the inaugural year, Members will select the Advisory Council from a list of interested Members. Founder shall serve as Chair of the Advisory Council for the first year. Thereafter, the Chair will be selected by the Advisory Council each year. There is no payment provided to officers. The authority of the Chair is to provide administrative support for the organization, establish meetings of the Members and the Advisory Council, and be the primary liaison with HCF. The Advisory Council will also have authority to modify these Guidelines as needed. Advisory Council decisions are valid whenever a majority vote in favor of a matter. It is not anticipated that Boost Nevada will hire paid staff.

Use of Funds

It is anticipated that the Members will meet in person or virtually twice a year. These meetings will consist of one yearly administrative meeting in the spring in which determinations will be made regarding areas of focus for grant applications, selection of Advisory Council members, and to receive reports on impact of funds awarded. A subsequent yearly meeting will be held to consider finalists and award grantees. Between these meetings, the Advisory Council will work to solicit applicants and determine a manageable list of finalists for consideration by the membership. From time to time, additional meetings may be called by the Advisory Council to address any emergency matters.

Member funds will only be used for the identified purpose of the group. A small amount of Member funds will be used for basic administrative costs due HCF, website or domain costs and other similar administrative costs. Member funds will not be used for salaries or for hosting, except that the Advisory Council may facilitate hosted meetings through sponsorships or additional member contributions.

Conflict of Interest

It is understood that there is a relatively small nonprofit community in southern Nevada and many Members may be involved with several other 501c3 organizations. To maintain relative fairness in the grant process, Members may vote on finalists even if they have an affiliation with a prospective grantee but shall not participate in an Advisory Council review process, or actively solicit other Members to vote for a prospective grantee in which they have a close relationship. Members should not vote or otherwise participate in a decision if they have a financial interest in any grant coming to the Members for consideration. Violation of these rules may result in removal from the Advisory Council and/or membership in the group as determined by the Advisory Council.


Boost Nevada will continue indefinitely if there is a functioning advisory council and funds for distribution. If the Advisory Council is no longer functioning or determines to disband the group, any unexpended funds will be distributed by HCF for other charitable purposes.