Apply for Our First Non-Profit Grant

Boost Nevada is pleased to announce that it is requesting proposal submissions for its first-ever grant awards.

Grant Criteria

Small nonprofit organizations (less than $250,000 annual revenue from all sources) engaged in services that address social issues in southern Nevada. Examples include, but are not limited to, poverty, food insecurity, homelessness, and disabilities.

Amount of Awards

It is anticipated that two awards will be made in the amounts of $5,000 and $2,500. Any matching awards that the nonprofit can provide as part of their proposal will be favorably considered. Boost Nevada may also receive additional matching funds that could increase the award.

Grant Submissions

Interested nonprofits should submit a one-page proposal via email to no later than May 31, 2024.

  • Name of Nonprofit
  • Date of Founding
  • Name of Executive Director (if any)
  • Names of Board members
  • Brief description of mission, purpose and accomplishments of the nonprofit
  • Narrative identifying how a $5,000 or $2,500 award would help the organization start-up or scale-up.
  • Attach a copy of a profit/loss statement for 2023 showing revenue and expenses

Grant Award Process

Following a review of submissions, Boost Nevada members will select finalists for further information/brief presentations. Boost Nevada members will then recommend awardees to be approved by the Henderson Community Foundation.